Programma van Vaksectie/Intercultural Coaching Community of the Netherlands (NOBCO-ICC): "Intercultural Sensitivity in the Coaching Practice"

Vaksectie/Intercultural Coaching Community of the Netherlands (NOBCO-ICC): "Intercultural Sensitivity in the Coaching Practice"

Programma van Vaksectie/Intercultural Coaching Community of the Netherlands (VICC): "Intercultural Sensitivity in the Coaching Practice

Op donderdag 14 maart:
16:00 - 17:30 Webinar "Intercultural Sensitivity in the Coaching Practice" Door Njeru, drs., E. (Elizabeth), Kuiper (Rixt), Lavin (Mick), Griffith (Kelly)
17:30 - 18:00 Optional, networking or further reflection time


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Ticket Prijs
Participation non-NOBCO member Gratis

Participation is open for NOBCO members, employees of NOBCO Partners and non-members. Participation is free of charge.
