Over Vaksectie/Intercultural Coaching Community of the Netherlands (NOBCO-ICC): "Intercultural Sensitivity in the Coaching Practice"

Vaksectie/Intercultural Coaching Community of the Netherlands (NOBCO-ICC): "Intercultural Sensitivity in the Coaching Practice"

Do you coach people with various cultural backgrounds? 

On March 14th, 2024, the Intercultural Coaching Community of the Netherlands (NOBCO ICC) will host a webinar titled "Intercultural Sensitivity in Coaching Practice". This event will feature Rixt Kuiper, Elizabeth Njeru, drs., Mick Lavin, and our special guest Kelly Griffith, Chief Coaching Officer at Ezra Coaching. 

Together we will explore the significance of intercultural sensitivity for coaches, and the importance of diversity in the pool of professional coaches. 

During the webinar we will explore what it means to be interculturally sensitive, how AI can be beneficial in coaching across different cultures, diversity in Coaching pools, and talk with our guest, Kelly Griffith, about how EZRA, which is a global virtual learning and coaching platform, manages its coaching pool in terms of diversity and intercultural sensitivity.

This interactive session aims to enhance participants' awareness and further develop their intercultural coaching competencies. It promises to be informative and valuable for coaches interested in being more effective in their overall coaching engagements and the effect of intercultural sensitivity in coaching practice.

We look forward to hosting an exciting, informative, and educational session where you can all contribute towards a greater understanding of what it means to co-create and embody a truly intercultural environment.

English (with the possibility to ask questions in Dutch)

This Virtual Event is relevant not only for coaches working in intercultural settings but for all members of EMCC Global and EMCC NOBCO coaching community. It is a collaboration between the NOBCO and the EMCC and will be conducted in English. You can sign up for the event. Participation is open to all NOBCO members and is free. Are you in? Register no later than March 12th, 17:00 via the button at the top right of this page.

If you are an employee of a NOBCO Partner, click on the ticket with the name of your organisation and use the ticket code you received.
Not yet a member of NOBCO? You too are welcome. Then click on the ticket no NOBCO member and no employee of a NOBCO Partner.

Cancellation Policy
Are you unexpectedly unable to attend on March the 14th? Please let us know as soon as possible. You can deregister via the NOBCO-website by logging in with your personal login details until Tuesday 12 th  of March 17:00 PM. If you are not a NOBCO-member or if you unsubscribe after Tuesday 12 th of March 17:00 PM, please send us an e-mail.

In case of cancellation after Tuesday 12 March 17:00 or absence without notification, we are forced to charge you € 15,- excluding VAT for the administration costs incurred.
This also applies in the event of cancellation or absence due to illness or other unforeseen situations.

We look forward to learning and sharing together with you.

Visual recordings at NOBCO meetings
Recordings and photographs may be made during NOBCO meetings. By registering for the meeting, participants give NOBCO tacit permission to make and publish video and photo images. No rights can be derived from this. If you do not wish to appear recognisably in photos or videos, you can indicate this in advance via the e-mail address info@mosevents.nl or on the spot to the meeting organisers.

This only applies to visual material made by or on behalf of NOBCO. Other visitors may take photos or recordings; NOBCO has no influence on this.


Sorry, de aanmeldperiode is voorbij.


Ticket Prijs
Participation non-NOBCO member Gratis

Participation is open for NOBCO members, employees of NOBCO Partners and non-members. Participation is free of charge.
